Friday, April 11, 2014

Response to "Why the Web Still Matters for Writing"

In response to the comment that many proposed, "The Web is Dead," I say that nothing is dead yet, but everything is and will always be evolving. We no longer live in a culture that represents the phrase, "If it isn't broken, then don't fix it." We live in an age that refers to the phrase, "There is always room for improvement." With new apps daily in every category imaginable, one would think that the Web is slowly dwindling down. However, Ben Thompson disagrees. I appreciated his idea that the Web is like water. The goal of most technologists is to find a way for customers to have access to the internet at all times. So apps may give customers a sneak peek of the internet, but the computer fills in all the gaps that the apps can not. For a good example, I think of employees and their boss. As a customer, you first are greeted with a regular employee, an extension of the boss, which represents the quick accessible apps on one's mobile phone. However, in really controversial and important situations, you always end up meeting the boss, which represents the main source computer.

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